Grace in a Time of Turmoil

It’s difficult to live in Grace in a time of turmoil — for me, anyway. Thoughts and feelings get tumbled around as everyone and everything clamors for attention: COVID numbers, politicians, protests, counter-protests, job hunts, healthcare providers, bills, friends and family. I easily get tumbled around and lose my center, my grounding. How can I …

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The Bible and Bigotry

“Why is it that those who hold the Bible in high regard also tend to be those who are judgmental and self-righteous?” Eddie Chu It’s a fair question. In fact, it sums up the dissatisfaction of many who have changed churches or left organized Christian religion altogether due to bigotry, with or without their faith …

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Mad At God

It’s OK to be mad at God. Really. It took me a long time to figure this out. And I think it applies to everyone, regardless of your spiritual tradition, but I will speak from my own Christian background, as that is what I know best. The first time I really got mad at God, …

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Marriage: More Bending and Bloopers

Everybody has their faults, and I’m no exception. I wrote earlier about my husband’s stubbornness, but in our marriage, he often has the patience of Job. It’s required to put up with me! I’m known for forgetting things. Typically, it’s where I left my keys or my glasses. Yes, they have their designated places, but …

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Marriage: Bending and Bloopers

Marriage is full of give and takes. It’s a fine art to know when to stand your ground and when to yield. Mostly, that means trial and error. For example, our living room TV decided to give up the ghost after the last power outage. It was on while I drank my coffee on a …

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What is Grace? Part 2 — The Practical

In What is Grace? Part 1, I discussed grace as being a facet or realization of divine, unconditional love. By that definition, grace is not limited to Christianity, but is evident in many traditions around the world. The next question becomes: What is our response? How do we live a life grounded in grace? Grace …

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