Words & Responsibility

We have the responsibility to stop and consider what we say and write, especially on social media. Jonas Ellison, in his article The Pundit Impulse and the Power of Revision: Bringing humanity back to our published words (links below), talks about how social media has made us all pundits. The ease with which we can push …

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Dear Fellow American Gun Owners

On August 31, 2019, my path crossed that of a mass killer. I live in Odessa, Texas, and was in the shopping area where most of the random shooting took place. Going from store to store on a hunt for a new outdoor grill, five minutes later at one intersection — or earlier at another …

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Semantics Matter

Heated discussions in my family often ended with someone declaring “It’s just semantics!” as we often agreed in the essentials, if not the specifics. But semantics matter. For writers, it should never be “just semantics”. We should be careful and cognizant of what we say, how we say it, and what the consequences might be. …

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Perception and Communication

What is perception? And why should I care? By now you’ve probably heard the Yanni vs Laurel recording. And if you somehow missed that, you most likely weighed in on The Dress a few years ago — was it blue and black or gold and white? While these are fun and all, they point to some …

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