Christian Nationalism Isn’t Christian

We Have a Much Higher Calling Christian Nationalism is simply nationalism and nothing more. How else could churches in both Ukraine and Russia celebrate Easter while calling themselves right and their opponent wrong? Yes, that is a form of Christian Nationalism, albeit not what we usually mean in the U.S.A. We have forgotten what the …

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War and Humanity

Fear and the Hunger for Power Affect Us All Less than twenty-four hours ago as I write this, Russia attacked Ukraine under Putin’s orders. This should come as a surprise to no one. Putin felt threatened by (read: fearful of) Ukraine’s desire to align with Western Europe and away from his sphere of influence. Fear …

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My Perfect Job

It’s so nice to be appreciated. On December 23rd, I walked into my office, sat down, and nearly burst into tears. On my desk were two Christmas cards from the four women I work most closely with. I was overwhelmed with gratitude, humility, and joy. I finally found my fit. Let me explain. I decided …

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Stewardship Means Little Without Grace

It’s Time to Refine Our Understanding of Stewardship Stewardship is one of those words that can mean so many things to different people. On the secular level, stewardship has come to mean “an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources,” according to Wikipedia. In many religious circles, stewardship is all about tithes, …

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Normal Doesn’t Exist and Never Has

Seek Better Instead of Normal I realize it’s a bold statement to say that normal doesn’t exist. But stop and think about what normal really is. Is it average? That’s merely a percentage in the middle. By definition, at least two-thirds are on either end. Is it common? But what’s common for your community or …

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Is There Still a Place for Heroes?

Yes, but not on pedestals of false glory. Real heroes are real people, warts and all. There’s been a lot of talk about heroes this last year. Much of it has been good, as we’ve recognized healthcare workers and first responders for going above and beyond what most of us are willing to do. But …

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It’s Time to Cancel Cancel Culture

We All Lose When We Don’t Allow People to Change I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s with protests, boycotts and strikes. The purpose for these activities is to effect change. And they often work. People, corporations, and governments do make changes and find alternative ways of functioning that everyone can agree on. But …

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Go Fly a Kite

When was the last time someone told you to “go fly a kite”? The phrase is not as common as it once was. I don’t know if that’s because kite flying has been replaced by so many other possible activities, or if more direct phrases such as “go away” or “go to hell” have become …

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What are you waiting for? What are you willing to wait in line for? I was waiting in line the other day, and it got me to thinking. Like so many of us, I don’t like waiting. There’s so much to do, so many other things demanding my time. Americans, at least, are not good …

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