This Good Little Consumer Wants Out

The pandemic has revealed to me both the pitfalls of consumerism and my slavery to it Like so many others, my job fell victim to COVID-19 and the economic repercussions. Soon burned out on the news, I spent a lot of time reading. I like history, suspense, mysteries, fantasy, and books about how the brain …

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Hell Has Frozen Over in Texas

Paradise has frozen over, too, along with Notrees, Sun City, Pasadena, Miami, Cactus and Egypt. OK, in full disclosure, there is no Hell, Texas, but all those other names are legit. So, what gives? Unless you’ve been off the grid for the last 5 days (I bet even Antarctica has heard the news), every county …

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Priorities are something we have to work at; you can’t just assume you have them in place. But often we ignore priorities as if the word itself is somehow dirty. I was brought up short this last week by an incident that reminded me of this reality. My husband decided that he wanted to buy …

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